I had to chuckle when a reader sent the photo above. I laughed even more when I got the backstory. What was that passenger thinking? Apparently there is such a thing as getting too comfortable on a plane, even on an American Airlines 737-800.
Here’s the context for the picture, shared by reader Jeff. He was traveling last night on American Airlines flight 1860 from Charlotte (CLT) to Austin (AUS) in first class. During boarding, a passenger seated in the rear of the plane apparently stowed his shoes in the closet located near the front door of the aircraft. Yes, he just dumped them as he boarded the flight. Later, a flight attendant discovered them (apparently with shock and disbelief over the odor), leading to an odd announcement:
“Will the gentleman who took off his shoes and put them in the forward closet please come back and get them.”
AA’s 737-800s feature “Project Oasis” seating which represent one of the tightest and most uncomfortable cabin seats in the industry. I understand that legroom can be tight. I’m also someone who likes to take his shoes off (never my socks, though) and therefore I can understand why it’s nice to lean back and relax, especially if you are wearing dress shoes.
Still, shared closets are probably not the best place to store your shoes. One, because if they stink they may stink up the coats hanging above them. Two, because if there is an emergency onboard requiring a quick exit, you will not be able to get your shoes (and shamefully slow down the egress of others if you do). Finally, was the passenger going to retrieve the shoes every time he used the lavatory? That’s not water on the floor…
After the announcement above (and several more) no passenger fessed up. It was only by walking through the plane performing a feet inspection that the owner was found…
Jeff shared that the flight attendants took the issue in stride and with humor even when they eventually found the passenger. In his 20 years of flying American Airlines as an Executive Platinum member, this was the first time he had ever seen anything like this. I haven’t seen anything like this either!
I hope the flight attendant washed her hands after handling the soles of those shoes!
Matthew is an avid traveler who calls Los Angeles home. Each year he travels more than 200,000 miles by air and has visited more than 135 countries. Working both in the aviation industry and as a travel consultant, Matthew has been featured in major media outlets around the world and uses his Live and Let's Fly blog to share the latest news in the airline industry, commentary on frequent flyer programs, and detailed reports of his worldwide travel.
They look like your Doc Martens.
Wow! Al Bundy flying first class? Hahaha
“Finally, was the passenger going to retrieve the shoes every time he used the lavatory? That’s not water on the floor…” A couple years ago I flew from Liverpool to Madrid on EasyJet. I was sitting on the first row in front of the lavatory. Well, no need to talk about the behavior of British people on planes but let’s say there was a crowd of at least 20 women in their mid 20’s going to Spain on a bachelorette party. They were already wasted when they boarded the plane and kept drinking non stop during the flight. There was also another group of men going to party in Spain. They were all drinking together. Needless to say they were all lining up to go to the restroom all the time. Not a single one wearing shoes or socks. Utterly disgusting as I could see the bathroom floor was completely wet of who knows what.
The only time I take my shoes off on planes is if I am flying on a long flight but I always keep the shoes next to me to wear them if I need to move through the cabin.
It’s like urine soup…l9l
You expected more on an EasyJet flight? How naive are you?
@ Matthew — I don’t really find this that strange. When I change to PJs and slippers on international flights, I usually store my shoes in the overhead bin.
So do I, but not the front closet if I’m sitting in economy class.
That’s gross and strange! ???
You, flying 20000 miles a year, is an example of someone who has no class taking off your shoes. Unless you’re in Business and get and second pair of socks. Or at least doing the same in coach. I have 3.5 million miles flown. I am so happy I haven’t been on a plane since January 7, 2020. Porcine activity.
I bring slippers and have a special shoe bag for my shoes. Next?
Pfttt come on …if you finally got to sit in first class and you really couldn’t afford it and you were a normal human being the shoes are coming off . I’ll make sure to wash them the night before but I’ve never flown first class but when I do ..I’m getting as comfortable as possible..I will eat every meal offered to me I will ask for the most expensive alcohol they have ..I won’t get drunk there’s a difference between enjoying one drink and getting drunk …I will lay down in that pod thing with my big ass headphones … And I’ll try to sleep if I can ..but we all know the noise inside of an airplane in the air is well annoying …plus there’s the air pressure level changes that effects the ears …I can’t believe people pretend to be better than everyone else when they put their pants on the same way I do …. A human being is simply that ..you don’t understand what it’s like to struggle with finances ..but no human being is better than the next whether buried or cremated your body ends up the same way mine does…dust ..so again quit pretending to be better than the next person …I’m sorry for my grammar, I’m usual anal about that sort of thing ..but I don’t care about being a literature a**hole right now
Noooo! Souls of shoes have all kinds of fecal-based biological hazards from giardia spores to e-coli. Please don’t put shoes where coats and handbags go. Keep them on the floor!
You are disgusting. If you fly business class internationally, you have abundant room for putting your shoes under the seat in front of you. Regardless, domestic or international, show some class and keep you shoes on. You’re not at home. You stupid stupid man.
Oy! I can’t believe she’s actually holding the shoes with her bare hands. I would have donned two pairs of gloves and a couple of masks. I mean, if you are going to take your shoes off and put them in a bin, at least put them in a shoe bag???
Americans are such trash. The world will be a better place when the USA (Ulcerated Sphincter of Asserica) is a footnote in the history books.
oh dear….looks like someone needs a safe space and a little huggie LMAO
Go climb back under your rock!
Looks like someone got rejected at the border..
What an off the subject comment. But I bet you want to go to America just like everyone else. Or you have all your family in the USA but you got denied entry and got to re-apply every few years? Right?
Good grief, how is a limp childish contribution like that approved on a moderated discussion board. Please spare us Matthew.
F U! From 340 million of us Americans!
Yes there are a lot of uncultured trash, but please its not the country, but rather the people. Not all but way too many.
You are so right. We are drowning in trashy people, and it’s not a question of money, but class, I am ashamed of much of America now, starting at the White House and spreading through our “.entertainment industry”, both product and people. If you watch television advertising, you would conclude that black families predominate, and bi-racial marriage is rampant. Not true. Only woke propaganda.
Umm you need to get out of your South Dakota town more often.
As someone in a mixed race marriage, I can confirm this country is full of diversity, even if it’s a bit more Caucasian than advertisements (other than insurance where Progressive, Allstate and other reps are Caucasian) would have you believe.
Time to get out of your hole.
“You are so right. We are drowning in trashy people, and it’s not a question of money, but class, I am ashamed of much of America now, starting at the White House and spreading through our “.entertainment industry”, both product and people. If you watch television advertising, you would conclude that black families predominate, and bi-racial marriage is rampant. Not true. Only woke propaganda.” Ah, yes. And here we have it: the racist believer in the big lie crawls out from under its rock. Maybe you should go back under it.
What a disgusting post. This will horrifying you more – I’m in an interracial GAY marriage and it’s real – not from Hollywood.
that’s hilarious! When I was a child we would dress well for travel. The behavior of fellow Americans have been a constant embarrassment for me during adventures abroad as if the world was their Disneyland!
If you feel that we Americans are trash, it’s mainly due to the people coming into our country. I have seen my beautiful home city reduced to poverty level because of it being categorized as a refugee-relocation area. Since you dislike us so much, feel free not to come here. You might also consider returning the money from our hard earned taxes dollars that are sent to you.
Wow. Who knew that so much racism could end up on a post about shows. Oh, yeah. Americans…
We love visiting the USA. Just returned from a lovely visit.
Really? Albany NY has prospered as a city that welcomes immigrants. Weird how yours went downhill. Does your town have a product or service that it specializes in? What is your primary export?
Easy there comrade. Won’t Putin give you hugs if asked? Biden does.
Your self righteous attitude makes you sound incredibly ignorant.
I missed the part where it said he was American. I mean, it’s a domestic flight, but it’s not like everyone on a domestic flight in the US is an American citizen. And talk about anecdotal! I mean, this is one guy. The fight attendant had never seen anything like it in 20 years of flying. It can hardly be ascribed to all Americans (based on no evidence he even was American) as ‘business as usual’.
The first rational comment thank you sir.
Is it not more disgusting that the AA flight attendant chose to pick them up with her bare hands?
( And then, as is stated, proceeded to use and handle the PA mic which the next person will handle and then who may be the one delivering your next first class champale with her bare hands – which you the FC passenger will grasp with bare fingers and then, gosh I hope not after covid precautions, will subsequently proceed to touch your face or eyes with?
It’s a gross picture not because of the passenger who dumped his shoes into the floor of an open closet, but because of the food service “professional” who retrieved them with her bare hands in full view of a passenger’s cellphone camera and proceeded to grab the PA with the same un-gloved hands without missing a beat.
Exactly, particularly given that the issue was identified due to the smell!
I was a Flight Attendant for 37 plus years. Sadly, many travelers are classless and clueless. We had a pax in FC sitting in a bulkhead seat put his foot up on the wall and proceed to clip his toenails! I can’t even count/remember how many times we found a poopy diaper just thrown on the floor. NO WORDS.
On a Garuda flight from Singapore to Indonesia I saw a mother across the aisle from me use the barf bag as a urinal for her young son and then folded it up and put it back in the seat pocket…..little kid stood there in the aisle, grandma pulled his pants down and he peed in the bag….third world culture shock.
27 years as a flight attendant. I’ve had moms try to hand me the dirty diaper during the meal service. A famous tennis player not only clipped his toenails, but also loudly and repeatedly blew his nose and threw the used tissues onto the floor. I politely but firmly told him I would NOT be picking those up.
I wish that was the worst I’ve seen. We were on a transatlantic flight with a man who went much further. As soon as he could after takeoff, he went to the lavatory and returned wearing nothing but an undershirt, boxers, and socks. He stayed that way until shortly before the end of the flight.
At least he left his shirt on! 😉
During my 37+ years flying as a pilot for this major, I treated the forward closet like I do the closet at home. At home, the entire closet is my wife’s domain and only with her good grace am I allowed to keep things in it…like shoes. Even as Captain, I NEVER put anything in that forward closet without asking the lead F/A first. This circumstance was an etiquette fail on many levels.
Matthew how do you know there was odor? Did reader Jeff tell you that? Are you assuming?
I would say that if there is much of any liquid on the bathroom floor, the floor may not be getting serviced as much as it should be and there are guys on the flight with bad aim. In the case of the bad aim, I would guess that the toilet seat and rim are also wet. I feel sorry for the women on the flight. EVA Airways gives passengers in economy disposable cabin slippers, which I wear because my feet swell on the transpacific flights. I rarely see much liquid on the floors, but then again, I mostly stay in my seat. My shoes never leave my seating area unless I am wearing them.
Unfortunately, men with bad aim doesn’t fully explain the problem. That seat’s not too appealing for women to sit on. I understand that some cultures tend to have a higher incidence of such standoff events leading to suboptimal outcomes including contamination of the maneuver area.
Timmy is right on the money. From the picture WORST PART she was holding by the soles of the shows. Hopefully, she washed her hands well.
If only people knew how infrequently the floors of airplanes are cleaned. Seriously. Keep your shoes on. I know it’s uncomfortable. But just as you wouldn’t go bare foot in a gym shower, don’t do it on an airplane. Oh, and always wipe down your tray table with a Clorox wipe. Seriously. I’ve seen people change their babies on them.
I do take my shoes off for longer flights (I wear socks) but never would leave my shoes in the FC closet.
Disgusting post #2, lady. Clutch you pearls – my hubby is Mexican!!!
But if the shoe don’t fit you must acquit!
Johnny Cochran! Thanks for the blast from the past laugh, Matthew!
I see people mention taking their shoes off and considering that aircraft carpets aren’t very clean. In my view, the best way to make oneself comfortable during a flight of 3+ hours is to bring along a shoe bag containing a pair of Havaianas (other brands also available). They only take a tiny amount of carry on space and weigh less than 300g, plus you have the shoe bag for stowing your shoes. I do it every time on long haul/overnight flights.
I am a Flight Attendant and once while flying to Europe a passenger at the exit row door on a 757 took his shoes off. The odor was horrific. Everyone in the area noticed and several passengers complained. I admit that I didn’t know how to gracefully ask him to put his shoes back on. I went to the front to tell the Flight Attendant in charge that the smell was unbearable. She walked back to investigate. The area by the door exit is wide open in front of you. She took one look at the passenger with his socks exposed and said, “Sir it is a requirement that anyone who sits in the Emergency Exit Row keep their shoes on for the entire flight. If you would like to stay here you’ll have to put your shoes back on, otherwise I’ll reseat you elsewhere.” Not wanting to give up all of that legroom , he immediately put his shoes back on . I was standing there saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?” She turned around to me, smiled, winked her eye, and walked back to the front. It was at that point when I realized that her 10 years greater experience made all the difference.
I was on a flight from Denver to Seattle when about half way through I had to use the restroom. I had to wait a few minutes for one to open up. A woman who looked to be a FA catching a flight came out and when I went in, I was met with a, dare I say – dollop of poop on the seat!!! I was horrified! I also didn’t want the next person to be met with the same horror so I cleaned it up and washed my hands repeatedly and used many seat covers and washed my hands some more. I wish I could’ve taken a shower. Who does that?!?!?! Even now it’s like – the audacity to leave your poop on a shared toilet seat – WTF?!?! Who raised you????
@Catherine what does looks like a flight attendant catching a flight even mean? Commuting? Deadheading? Riding a jumpseat? Is there a reason to point out that you THOUGHT it was a F/A.? Trust me, you should see some of these people who could buy and sell both of us and how dirty they live. It would shock you.
For someone who can fly platuium first class, has very low class to say the least. There should be no reason whatsoever to take off their shoes, knowing how smelly their own feet are. You can’t tell me that the person didn’t know. So sad to take it upon themselves to ruin their trip to smell someone else funk!! Get some class, but not first class, and leave your shoes on.
That’s nasty. I wish I could get that comfortable but one I have courtesy towards the other passengers around me, two I’m not at home, and three I consider that rude and disrespectful towards the flight team and other passengers. Why would anyone if they know their feet smell bad even do that, another why put your shoes in a closet where it is going to make coats or other personal things smell by the time the flight is done, finally why disrespect everyone like that especially the passengers around you. This person is only thinking of himself no cares for anyone else on the flight. I hope the stewardess gave him an ear full. Hope Everyone has a great weekend. ☺
About four years ago I was working first class on a 757 (RIP). I was out in the aisle taking preferences and talking to my passengers when I see a woman come up from the main cabin to use the restroom. I try to keep people in their designated cabin unless it’s an elderly person, a cart is blocking the aisle, or some kind of emergency. I can’t imagine pulling back the curtain and walking through a quiet cabin like this but you know.. humans. Anyway I was in the middle of a conversation and she snuck by. When I went back to my galley this women left a big pile of hard boiled egg shells on the counter! It was so disrespectful to everyone. It smelled awful. I cannot imagine just leaving my egg shells in anywhere but a trash can. They weren’t even in a bag just all crunched up for me to clean up. I wish I’d have found her but I let it go. My anger turned into something else more difficult to explain… I just started laughing at the image of waking up in the morning and looking at my own eyes knowing I an adult human behaved that way. Just the audacity of it all. I couldn’t fathom doing it or putting my shoes in a closet that isn’t mine… I’m sure he went into the lav without shoes I tell people all the time that I recommend putting on shoes and the amount of people that go in anyway is alarming.
I was in first class on the first flight of a plane that had been cleaned overnight. The plane was delayed at the gate, and a man came forward and used the lav. I used the lav after him, still at the gate, and he had peed all over the seat and the floor. I think it’s more of a gesture to the better-off than a problem with aim.
Probably the same with the shoe guy.
And yet as a regular passenger, I see men and women getting on the plane with dollar store flip flops on all the time. Planes are not the beach folks, put some shoes on. If you blow out your flip flop or sandal in an emergency egress I am walking all over you.
Stupid article. Not news. People mind your own business.
Was that you? May I recommend Odor Eaters®?
Never ever take your shoes off on an airplane. 1. The floor is full of germs and filthy dirty. 2. This isn’t your own vehicle. Dumb ass!!! 3. Never pay attention to the guy who wrote article. He is the biggest dumb ass of all. 4. I have over 4 million flown miles and most people who wrote about the industry don’t know where to find their own seat without help!!!
my dog’s are barking today
not enough money in the world to be a flight attendant. especially now. People are just so disgusting and they think they are so entitled. Not enough money…..
Since no one claimed them after several announcements, I’d have thrown them in the bin, covered in coffee grounds, etc.
The passenger had to be from Texas.
Glad you think that, Stan. Better reason for you to keep your @$$ out of our state.
Nope! An illegal immigrant who came through a Texas “Open Border”! Thank you “Woke” President Biden ( who probably can’t define what “Woke” means), “Woke” Vice President Kamala Harris, and “Woke” Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. None of them have been to the REAL border crossings … the DRY Rio Grande River allowing crossing by foot without getting wet , and the actual designated Border Crossings so they can see with their own eyes what’s REALLY going on!?!
Let would be immigrants apply for citizenship, citing reasons (i.e, persecution, death, etc), and what skills and values they bring with them to support their families, any family members – (NOT on Welfare Roles, in prison for violent offences, or involved with Chid ProtectivenServices to protect their children from abuse) – family members who are already legally in the USA.
Why, after all, do people from nearly every nation on earth want to live in the USA? F R E E D O M
Let me guess- you call yourself a Christian, right? You’d crucify Christ all over again the moment he uttered his Sermon on the Mount.
Incidentally, what do YOU bring to the table? What do YOU contribute to this great country of ours?
Who can define ‘woke’ when Karens like yourself have appropriated it to mean anything you don’t like or ridiculous, hyperbolic, conspiratorial fabrications designed to inspire fear in the woefully, wilfully ignorant? Incidentally, what do YOU bring to the table? What do YOU contribute to this great country of ours?
Totally agree: discourteous, rude, etc. However I am shocked that not one person has pointed out that it was poorly handled. Making an announcement like that in front of everyone on the plane?? So the person has to stand up and do the walk of shame in front of everyone? She should have just checked quietly, she would have found the person right away without any problem. And hopefully he would have felt a little bit of shame anyway being called on it, which he would deserve. But not in front of 100 people.
The flying shoeless passenger is already in the doghouse. He needs to wear the cone of shame.
Not so quick Stan. That sounds more like a Florida trick.
737-800, if even in 1st class is uncomfortable. Imagine in the economy class I flew in fro CLT to AUA. I felt like a sardine in a tin. Never again.
Why are people so disgusting when travelling? Travelling with flip flops, bare feet, bare chests, shorts, dirty, smelly, uncontrolled children and adults, expecting flight attendants to clean up after them. Just horrible excuses for human beings!
has anyone considered it could have been a cultural thing? if this was this man’s first flight and he’s used to taking off his shoes and leaving them by the door when going inside, he may have felt it was appropriate to do so on a plane as well. it wouldn’t matter to him that no one else was doing g it.
It’s a fair point to raise.
Just imagine trying to condone scumbag behaviour like this!
Fat white uneducated maga moron for sure!
Ok everybody, the picture is of a woman, not a man. So why would you even believe anything about this photo? Get over it. I’d rather someone do this, than cough and sneeze all over me, like I had on my last 2 flights. Back to a mask, thank you so much!
I missed the part where it said he was American. I mean, it’s a domestic flight, but it’s not like everyone on a domestic flight in the US is an American citizen. And talk about anecdotal! I mean, this is one guy. The fight attendant had never seen anything like it in 20 years of flying. It can hardly be ascribed to all Americans (based on no evidence he even was American) as ‘business as usual’.
The picture is of the flight attendant who found the shoes. I don’t really understand your post.
Umm, Flight Attendants also keep their luggage, along with their personal lunch totes in that closet and usually eat on the jumpseat in front of that closet.
If only all airline senior managers and executives along with congress were required to fly in the lowest class of seats with no upgrades allowed
You’ve clearly never been on any flight to & from the Hawai’ian Islands! Shoes are not optional. Need dah bathroom? Put on dah slippahs. Evacuate dah plane? Leave dah slippahs behind.
So let me see if I understand this. You like to take your shoes off on the airplane but wear your shoes in the bathroom because of what’s on the floor? Don’t you think what’s on the bathroom floor is tracked back to the floors in front of the seat where you rest your socked feet. Sorry, that’s just nasty.
You really have more than your fair share of white trash in the usa dont you! I would bet money it was a fat, gullible uneducated maga moron!
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