Want to prepare a Google Slides presentation for printing? You’ll want to make your Google Slides vertical first. Here’s how.
By default, Google Slides uses a horizontal layout for its slides. That means that your slides are wider than they are tall.
You might not necessarily want your slides to be vertical, however, especially if you’re planning on printing them out. It’s not immediately obvious how to change this setting in Google Slides, however.
If you’re still keen, it is possible to change some settings so that your Google Slides presentation slides are vertical rather than horizontal.
There’s no specific setting to turn slides from the default of horizontal (landscape) to vertical (portrait). However, it is possible to customize the size of your slides to make them horizontal.
To make Google Slides vertical:
Your slides will now all be vertical. The slide settings you choose will apply to all slides in your document. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to have a mix of vertical and horizontal slides in Google Slides.
If you change your mind and want to return your slides to being horizontal, the method is very similar.
To make Google Slides horizontal:
Your slides will now be horizontal in Google Slides.
Learning how to make Google Slides vertical allows you to become more creative with your presentations. It’s also a handy option to use if you want to print off your presentations.
Applying transitions and animations to Google Slides can make a presentation a bit more interesting, although it’s easy to overdo it! Less is definitely more when it comes to transitions and animations, especially for professional presentations.
If you have presentations that you created in PowerPoint, you can convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides and use it in Slides for free. Once you’ve found some settings like you really like, you can create a Google Slides template so that you can reuse those settings as often as you want.
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