How to Make a Google Slides Presentation for College

2022-07-23 04:08:57 By : Ms. cuihong li

Want to make your college presentation stand out from the rest? Here are some tips for making a professional presentation in Google Slides.

Presentation assignments help you build your speaking skills. They can help you conquer your fear of public speaking, too. If you use Google Slides, it’s easy to set up a college presentation.

First, we’ll go over how to use Google Slides’ five basic features to create your presentation. After that, you’ll find three key tips to make your presentation great.

The five key features of Google Slides are the Templates, Themes, Layouts, Add-Ons, and Presenter View.

Google Slides comes with lots of premade templates. You can use them to save time designing each slide. View Google’s included templates by clicking Template Gallery on the Slides homepage.

You can also find useful Google Slides templates around the web. Try to find a template that matches your presentation’s goal. For instance, a sales pitch template will work as an argument or business plan.

Once you find a good template, click its name at the top left to change it. Next, save it to use again in the future.

To save a copy, go to File > Make a Copy > Entire Presentation. Give the copy a generic name, like Marketing Presentation, and save it to your Drive. This gives you a clean copy to make future presentations from.

It’s a good idea to save a handful of templates this way. Look at your course outlines to see what kinds you will need.

If you are presenting as part of a group, go to the Share button at the top-right to get a link for your classmates. Be sure that permissions are set to Anyone with the link and Editor. This way, your team members can join with a single click.

You can also give access using an email. Click on Add people and groups, and either type in or select your groupmates’ email addresses. You can share your Slides to non-Gmail accounts, too.

On the right-hand side, you will see several Themes available. Themes put a fresh look on an old template. Select an appropriate theme for your project. Try to find one you have not used for that class before.

Depending on the template, you might need to make some changes after changing the theme. For instance, you might have to move text that overlaps with the new border. You may also need to change the font color if it’s hard to read on the new background.

To move an element, click and drag. To change colors, select the text or graphic, then choose a new color from the context menu.

Right-click a slide and select Apply Layout to see the options. The best ones to use are Title Only, One-column text, and Big Number. These options leave plenty of room for graphics. They help you avoid crowded slides that are hard to read.

You don’t need Main Point slides if the section is only one or two slides long. For longer sections, Main Point slides let you review the section's contents. But slides that only stay up long enough to state the title will break the flow of your presentation.

You can make good use of Google Slides Add-Ons to import special elements. They let you add flow charts, math formulas, and convert images into slides.

Take a moment to install add-ons for all the graphics design software you use. Slides should always rely more on graphics than text, so the more options you have, the better.

You can find Presenter View by clicking the dropdown arrow on the Slideshow setting. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. Presenter View allows you to see the current slide, a preview of the next one, and your notes. At the same time, it sends the slide to display elsewhere.

You can even view the notes on your phone while you present. However, in some settings, using a personal phone looks unprofessional. Talk with your professor about expectations. You may also be able to use or borrow a tablet for the presentation.

Presenter View also includes a timer at the top-left. Practicing in this mode lets you get an accurate idea of how long each slide takes. This helps you adjust the timing as you present. You can notice when you need to save time by summarizing, and when you can slow down for more detail.

Now that your slide structure is in place, it’s time to start designing the slides.

Audiences can’t listen and read at the same time. If the slides and speaking are the same, you force the audience to ignore half of your presentation. Instead, use the Notes panel at the bottom of the screen to organize what you will say.

You can click and drag on the panel’s border to give yourself more space. Use bulleted lists and bolding, so you can read at a glance.

You can't make eye contact with the audience if you are reading notes. So instead of a read-aloud script, use the notes as reminders. Use shorthand and keywords instead of full sentences.

Your speaking is the most important part of the presentation, so reduce the text by as much as possible. Instead, use graphics to help the audience understand and remember your main points.

If you’re presenting numbers, adding a chart from Google Sheets can help the audience visualize them. You can also use photos to create a visual reference. For instance, if you talk about a brand, showing the logo can help the audience remember it.

You can find lots of graphic options in the Insert menu. You can also import them from another site using an Add-On. Once you’ve added a chart, click its top-right corner to open the menu. Then select View Source to change the data in Google Sheets.

Try to choose high-resolution images that look good with your theme colors. All slides should have more graphics and blank space than text. Text size should be at least 24, to make sure people can read it from far away.

In the end, the essential part of a presentation isn’t the slides; it’s how you present them. Therefore, practicing several times is critical. Smooth flow and speaker confidence are usually worth a lot of marks, and practice is the only way to improve them.

When you practice, act as if it's the real thing. Stand at the front of the room, and make eye contact with your practice audience. If possible, try to practice in the same room that you will present.

It can be hard to practice with no audience. If you are giving a solo presentation, offer to practice with classmates. You can give each other constructive criticism. If you can’t find any people, practice speaking to a rubber duck. Even a toy with a face is better than an empty room.

Using Google Slides, you can put an “A+” presentation together in no time. Then, you can use themes, layouts, and other features to fill them in.

It’s important to focus on your speaking skills. A good speaker should know how to engage their audience. Getting them involved with some interactive segments is a great way to do that.

Natalie Stewart is a writer for MakeUseOf. She first became interested in technology in college and developed a passion for media writing in university. Natalie's focus is on tech that is accessible and easy to use, and she loves apps and devices that make life simpler for everyday people.

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