Night owls in an east China city are up in arms after a local bar’s attempt at a publicity stunt went not quite according to plan. Flaunting every rule in the Bible of Politically Correctness, the bar restricted entry by patrons’ physical attributes.
The bar, in Wuxi City of our very own Jiangsu Province, rubbed local citizens the wrong way with signage specifying the restrictions. Some are entirely predictable, others cringeworthy.
The sign, in Chinese with an English translation, begins sensibly enough, saying, “Pornography, gambling and drugs are prohibited, and smoking is prohibited indoors. Minors are not allowed in”.
That’s where the sensibilities end. Next, the sign reads, “Girls over 65 kg are prohibited”. And then the translation gets it wrong; the Chinese version specifies 130 “jin” (斤). One jin equals 0.5 kg but the sign’s English version retains the 130 and instead uses “kg”.
Further down the list, the bar wishes to instruct those wishing to enter; “Do not wear slippers”, together with another reminder; “No laughing gas”.
Finally on the hostelry’s list of undesirable patrons are those who are bald, while the sign also states, “No big gold chain people are allowed in”.
In response to the public outcry, a spokesperson for the establishment wished to say that the sign at the door was just a joke and a publicity stunt, reports The World Journal.
They also maintained that in reality, the bar had not really prevented any customers from entering based on their physical appearance or other attributes.
But their plan appears to have backfired. Not only have they the ire of the local community with which to deal, the bar has gone completely unnamed by local media, depriving it of the free publicity it was supposedly seeking.
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