LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - Nichole Shipman lives in central Lubbock and said her home was hit by thieves twice in 48 hours.
Just after 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Shipman said she was sitting in her car in the driveway when a man on his bicycle rode past her, toward her home.
Shipman said the man looked like he was headed toward the bicycle and air pump she had at the back of the home.
“I hop out of my car and said, ‘Hey, what are you doing?’ He said, ‘Sorry ma’am I am just trying to pump my tire,’” Shipman said.
Shipman said the man took off on his bicycle but was not paying attention and crashed into a trailer parked on the side of the street.
“Biggest boom I’ve ever heard!” Shipman said.
Shipman said she immediately called the police.
That evening, Shipman said she went outside and her bicycle and air pump were gone.
“That was a very expensive bike,” Shipman said.
Just before 4 p.m. the following day, Shipman said her security cameras captured the same man on her property again.
This time, Shipman said, the man was not alone.
Shipman’s security video shows the two men in her backyard.
“They are looking in windows and whatnot and trying to get through the backdoor right there. Then, they notice our back window slides right open. They tried to get in and my dog Freya who is a big, white German Shepherd scared them off,” Shipman said.
Shipman said the men left, but stole an axe from her backyard.
“That just makes me think they have a weapon they could be trying to use against anybody and I wouldn’t wish this on anybody. It’s frightening; it keeps you up at night,” Shipman said.
Shipman said she has a toddler and does not feel safe at home, but also worries about what may be happened when she is away.
“You are supposed to feel safe and secure in your own home and these people just aren’t allowing that,” Shipman said.
The two have not been caught as of this report. If you have information on these two, please call Lubbock Police on the non-emergency line at 806-775-2865.
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