How Not To Go Crazy While Working At Home | by Gil Mahesh | Jul, 2022 | DataDrivenInvestor

2022-07-30 04:05:54 By : Mr. JK zhao

Yes, the favorite office terrarium is left behind. Home freedom and comfortable slippers. But what happens when there is no clear schedule? Too lazy to leave the house. The house is full of food, a purring cat, and a warm blanket. And anyway, why get out of bed when it’s slush outside the window, but you can safely work all day on a laptop. As a result, the whole world shrinks to the size of a desktop or a favorite sofa. And communication skills come down to “me bag” in the supermarket. A person can become less and less socialized over time.

Such a Mowgli, but instead of a real jungle with dangers, the stone jungle of a concrete high-rise building lies in wait. And of the dangers — a refrigerator with sweets, which does not allow you to go anywhere. And a warm cat with whom you want to sleep. But from the landscape, which remains unchanged — house-shop-house, it becomes sad. Some people love this lifestyle. But for many, seclusion is already fed up with the order. Time to look for other options.

There are three ways to work remotely:

In paragraphs one and three, customers can write at 8 pm with cries that “we urgently need to complete the TOR.” You need to be able to refuse unnecessary work and not bend under impudent customers. Otherwise, the point is in this freelancing, if all the office employees have long since quit their jobs and fled to their homes and bars, and you still continue to “put out the fire”.

Therefore, rule number 1: we create a work schedule for ourselves. We explain to impatient customers who like to show up in the evening or on weekends that you have your own schedule and work schedule. If you sometimes take work on the weekend, ask to send it in advance.

To spend the whole day closed within four walls is nothing if you have escaped from the realities of office work. But if you sit like this day after day, then the roof can really go. Therefore, we choose people. We take a laptop, or phone, recharge the armpit and go to work in a cafe. A cup of cappuccino, wi-fi, and sockets are must-haves for comfortable work.

If you have freelance friends, you can get together and work together, it will be more fun. And it’s even cooler to go coworking for a party. Now there are many such communities where, for a fee, you can use the entire infrastructure. It is comfortable to work, get acquainted with other freelancers, and expand the circle of contacts.

Sometimes you don’t want anything. Eviscerated by work, as if the very same Jack the Ripper worked on you. I just want to lie and do nothing, but there are no thoughts in my head. You need to get yourself out of this state as soon as possible. Think about hobbies and leisure activities: swimming pool, gym, photography, walking around the city, and volunteering. This list can be continued indefinitely. If you love concerts, feel free to include them in your schedule. Usually, city posters are published in advance.

Get out of your shell. Yes, sometimes there are no reasons to leave. The refrigerator is full to the brim, a beloved cat purrs nearby, and all his houses, the street is gray and foul. You can comfortably lie down under a blanket and watch your favorite TV series, or order pizza or sushi at home. But it is better to organize your time so that it looks like a school schedule. For example, on Monday we will make a rule for ourselves to go to the gym. And on Tuesdays, look into the bathhouse with a pool. On Wednesdays and Fridays, we will go to Spanish courses. And on Saturday we will look at the conversation club. Or we will plan a weekend with friends when we go out for a barbecue or a walk in the forest. If you take a closer look at yourself, you will wake up the desire to do a lot!

The pain of a freelancer is his back. From the daily sitting behind the next masterpiece, the spine first of all suffers. And it is important not to immerse it in a horizontal position, but to knead it well in the hall. Moreover, playing sports increases the tone and, in general, improves mood, because serotonin is produced at this time.

Make a list of what you would be interested to know. Choose the direction you want to study. Suddenly you have a thirst for discovery and knowledge, you want to learn even more about targeting, learn a programming language or do animation. We just make a plan for ourselves when and what we do. Of course, the main problem is what to do with the work. There will be no less of it, and sometimes there will be a temptation to put aside all business and hobbies in order to fit into a deadline or take an urgent order to work.

Remember that grabbing everything that the market offers is dangerous. It will bring money. But then they will go to pay for appointments with a psychotherapist or jamming a nervous breakdown with cakes. Or shopping as compensation. In short, they will go to waste. Do not take on more than you are capable of doing in the allotted work time.

When you’re tired, switch off. Work will not run away, freelancing is always full of orders. And you can’t earn all the money in the world. Build your strategy so that you increase your average check for the provision of services, and not gain small jobs. Think about the competent creation of a portfolio, and the design of social networks. Try to work your way up to good clients that you can proudly add to your portfolio. Make the job really cool so you can use it as bait for higher earnings. If there are no customers just make your own cool stuff. And there are plenty of resources to post it.

Remote work is simply a paradise for travelers because you can endlessly change cities and countries. You are only limited by your earnings budget. You can safely move to another city with a friend and rent an apartment for a month. Or take a ticket to a sunny country and spend a week there, safely working under the warm sun. Such a change of scenery is almost equivalent to normal vacation.

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